Thursday, August 20, 2009

Cheaters Week

The Mission of the Battle of the Grown & Sexes “Project” is to promote healthier, happy, long lasting relationships between women and men. There are a lot of relationship games being played whether it’s emotionally, mentally or physically between women and men that need to cease. We believe that once we tackle the common issues on video and on blog pages via face book and other media outlets while using everyday people from different age groups, ethnicities, work backgrounds, educational levels etc., to discuss relationship topics/issues this will allow people who are single, dating, couples, married couples, etc., the abilities to look inside of themselves and their relationships as a whole and make better and healthier choices in life pertaining to their relationship happiness.

Our Grand-Opening or First Roll Out Topic of the Week was “Cheaters”. Rodney Harvey and I, Jamie Payne went around various Chicago areas asking random people the three questions of the week. Who cheats the most women or men? Who is affected by cheating more women or men? How does cheating affect people (women or men) in the long term relationships? *Bonus* question, Can people move one once they have been cheated on?

We received mixed reviews from the various, women, men, couples and married couples that we interviewed. The Women: Some women said men cheat more and that they are not considerate of the long term affects that it will have in a relationship. Some women said that men are more concerned with the physical aspects of cheating versus the emotional aspects of cheating. Some women say women cheat; they just are smarter at it than men.

The Men: Some men said that women cheat more they just don’t get caught as much as men. Some men admit that they cheat but women are smarter cheaters. Some men said that women are approached more often and have multiple opportunities to cheat more than men.

The Loop Answer: Women & Men cheat equally. Everybody stated that women and men do cheat and that is a common fact. Men cheat, Women cheat smarter.

The Conclusion: Cheating is wrong no matter who does it. It affects everyone involve and should not be looked at as a game, a way to get back at another person or for personal gain. Nobody wins in cheating, we all lose. It’s not positive and it doesn’t create positive effects on your self esteem or anyone else. We urge our supporters to think twice before you do this selfish act (Jacenda Smith). People can move on after being cheated on but it does take time no matter who does it women or men.

Submitted by: Jamie Payne, Founder of The Battle of the Grown & Sexes “Project”
Promote Positivity………And Watch It Grow!!!
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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Love is Just a Game......................Of Chess that Is??

This information is off of the dome while I was driving to work this morning LOL!!! Now I have never played Chess a day in my life BUT I do feel I have Played Chess with My Life!!! Get IT??? I simplify that for you towards the end of this message and maybe you all will see that We all Are Chess Players, We just never knew it???

I think that it safe to say that every business around us is based off an emotion?? Agree or Disagree?? Example: Restaurants business, somebody had to be hungry in order to create a Business dealing with Food. The Wedding Industry or Greeting Cards this are based off of Love, Caring, and Concerns for others or Expressing Emotions that you want to say but can’t find the words. The Automotive Industry: Somebody had to have a love for cars, mechanics and building things. All of these card board games and cards are actually were based off of somebody’s emotions and for whatever reason they A: Decided to take it to greater levels than what they were experiencing, i.e. put those thoughts into action and make money off of it as well.

Everything in life “WORKS TOGETHER” . When you read this message and will be more enlightened on how “Relationships & Chess” are no different at all. It’s all about STRATEGY!!!!! I can break down Strategy as well but the key to that is some people can give you guidance in your life that can help shape your strategies of life. And there are others who had to go through some situations to figure it out on their own. So, with that being said here’s my take on Love & Chess and for all the real chess players please don’t take everything I say literally!!! I’m not discrediting your skills but really everybody has skills at chess, they just don’t know it yet……..Well the Mature DO the Immature As Still Playing with their “PAWNS”

Okay in Chess you have the King on One Side who needs to Win the Queen, & the Queen on the other side (the Most Powerful in the Game, Why because you’re dealing with her heart and other things but I won’t get to detailed about that because you already know!!! Where All Adults LOL!!!. I Truly believe that Everybody has a Sole Mate (CHECKMATE). I also believe that 9 times out of 10 you know who & when your sole mate is when that “Spark” Happens…….Yeah, Yeah I know you think it only happens in Movies but Its Real Life and A lot of People Choose to Ignore It and that’s why their Not Happy with the Person they are with and they are settling because Nobody Had the Guts to Tell the Other Person or they were just to Scared to Mention the Spark!!!! I can assure you that if you meet that person and you have that Spark, that’s the person you were meant to be with. Because it does not happen all the time, unless your just drinking acids or some type electric juice that just makes you a sparky person LOL!!!, for lack of better words.

While trying to find their Sole Mate that is Where the Game of Chess is Relevant and we all are Pro’s at it once we’ve (mostly males) Found the 1!!!! Its your job to seek out the Women Not the Other Way around and for those who’s got it twisted Keep Searching and you find yourself alone or with just any random person because your trying too hard when it’s a natural thing!!!! Ladies Let the Men do their Job!!!! If he has not found you…………Then its not your time, Patience is a Virtue Stop Being Impatient!!! Love Will Come. Also everybody has their Bests Friends or Family Members a.k.a Advisers (These are your BISHOPS, KNIGHTS & ROOK’S so to speak) to help them out in the (CENTER –Heart ) of the Game, Real Talk!!! Now these people or players can only help you so much during the game, meaning they can only move in some many ways and directions that you either have to trust them and listen to their advice only if they are wise because a fool listening to a fool will only put you in Foolish Situations!!! or you go with Your Own Instincts.

You also have the Ongoing Relationships with People- Male or Female which in chess you can relate them to as (PAWNS) The People you Learn From and Grown From and the Ones who are just useless in your life or you haven’t learned a LESSON meaning Check, during the game I guess when you capture your opponents PAWNS or whatever you call CHECK, So if you are in a Relationship where you are growing or maturing from it…………then that’s a Check in Chess but if your with people who are obliviously mean you no good, then these people are your (STALEMATE). Yes they are stalemate because you’re not growing with them; you’re only growing apart or bypassing them. And often the Relationship is Stale Anyway so that’s why some people are cheating (Quote on Quote “Excitement” to add to their Stale Relationship LOL!!!) on each other too many Stalemates and Not Enough (PAWNS) in the Game. But in Some Cases we fall for these Stalemates and that’s when We Need that WAKE UP CALL from our Friends, Family i.e, Knights (Same Age Group), Bishops (The Older More Experienced People) & Rooks (The Younger People that we sometimes Listen to Rookie’s in a sense).

Then there's a Term Called How to Castle & When the King is in Check..................

Tired of Reading Yet?????? Huh, Huh, I know this can seem complicated but it's not!!!! I’ll Stop here…….If you want more just shoot me an email or send me blog comment and I can give you the rest at a later date…………………… To Be Continued..............

The Game is to be Sold not Told LOL!!!! I’m so smart I think I will write a book myself one day, maybe??? Give me some feedback. Do you Agree So far or Disagree……………………………..????

Always in Parting

Promote Positivity……………………..And Watch It Grow!!!

Love Jamie :-)

Monday, May 18, 2009

Boys vs. Grown Men..................Girls vs. Grown Women Remix


If out Shopping with your women the Boy will let her carry all her purchases. A Grown Man will carry them for her.

Boys like to pretend and lie about their financial status Grown Men know money isn't all that makes a woman happy and whether he's drowning in dough or counting change there are other ways to satisfy and make a woman happy.

Boys brag about their sampling sessions. Grown Men learn from theirs and find new and exotic ways to keep the intimacy intriguing.

Boys like to lie about the sizes of their manhood. Grown Men know never to lie because eventually the lady will find out, and we all know it ain't about the size, but rather the motion of the ocean that matters.

A boy will demands his own wayA man is willing to compromise. A boy thinks a girl/woman's greatest assets are the things he can physically see about her A grown man knows her greatest assets are invisible.

A boy thinks he knows everything and is never wrong. A grown man continues to learn, admits when he's wrong and apologizes

A boy will stock, lurk and not trust his girl when out with friends. A man will trust his girl when she is out with her friends.

A boy gets upset when his girl has males friends. A man thinks its fine and will invite them over to watch the big game.

Boys have sex. Grown men make love

Boys will get jealous and want to fight with every man that talks to his girl.....A GROWN MAN will not worry about it because his girl knows who daddy is!!!!!!!!!carry out the ORDERS ( a.k.a. break-in backs)

So Ladies and Gentlemen........................................What do you think??? This should be interesting??

Submitted by way of myspace page of Boris from Franchise Presents in Cali!!!! and Edited by Jamie L. Payne.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Girls vs Grown Women.......Like Destiny's Child & JayZ said...........Question??

Hope this tid bit of information can help you determine whether your girl is a "Girl" or a "Grown Women" I found this on an old emil about two years ago BUT ITS SO APPARENT THAT I JUST HAD TO POST IT!!!!!

Girls vs. Grown Women

Girls leave their schedule wide-open and wait for a guy to call and make plans.Grown women make their own plans and nicely tell the guy to get in where he fits in.

Girls want to control the man in their life.Grown women know that if he's truly hers, he doesn't need controlling.

Girls check you for not calling them.Grown women are too busy to realize you hadn't.

Girls try to put a man 'on lock' by using sex.
Grown women know that it's the sex of the mental kind that makes a man want to 'lock' you down.

Girls fake-moan, lay there and take the stabbing.Grown women say, "Just stop", get up, get dressed and walk it out.

Girls are afraid to be alone.Grown women revel in it using it as a time for personal growth.Girls ignore the 'good guys'.Grown women ignore the bad guys.

Girls make you come.Grown women make you come home.

Girls worry about not being pretty and/or good enough for their man. Grown women know that they are pretty and/or good enough for any man.

Girls try to monopolize all their man's time (i.e, don't want him hanging with his friends).Grown women realize that a lil' bit of space makes the 'together time' even more special -- and goes to kick it with her own friends!

Girls think a guy crying is weak.Grown women offer their shoulder and a tissue.

Girls want to be spoiled and 'tell' their man so.Grown women 'show' him and make him comfortable enough toreciprocate w/o fear of losing his 'manhood'.

Girls get hurt by one man and make all men pay for it.Grown women Know that, that was just one man.

Girls fall in love, chase aimlessly after the object of theiraffection, ignoring all 'signs'.Grown women know that sometimes the one you love, don't always love you back and move on, without bitterness.

Girls will read this and get an attitude.Grown women will read this and pass it on to other Grown women

Ladies do you Agree or Disagree??......................................& Men if you haven't noticed these things in your Relationship you may want to think twice before taking any major steps..................Know who your dealing with, Communicate, Communicate, Communicate & Grown Up People.......................................SIMPLE ;-)

Promote Positivity............And Watch It Grow!!!


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Battle of the Grown and Sexes

Hello...................Everyone out there!!! :-). I'm here to help the world "Fix" their Relationship Woes!!! So with that being said let's get this "Party (Blogging) Started" Check out my facebook page and you can also comment on there as well. So people, I figured it out.................Yes I think I figured out the answers to why women and men have all these misconceptions or stereotypes about each other. It's Lack of Communication..............Yea I said and Lack of Communication!!! Some people are good communicators others are not (sometimes its not their fault) its just going from one relationship to another can drain your spirits and put a damper on your Dating Swagger!!! LOL. So I'm throwing this question out there to see the type of response I get. Is it me or Does lack of confidence play a key role in how long a relationship will last. If your not confident (Truly Confident, Not Just looks, but inside and out) then this can cause all types of hell for your mates?? Its can cause your mate to cheat, because they can feel you are not confident and no matter how many compliments they give you its still not enough. Also it can bring jealous into the relationship (causing fights, arguments, pain and basically turmoil). Give me feedback people............................Come on you??? You know you have an opinion.......So Just Share It!!! We're family here on my blog. If your not blogging to Help a.k.a "Fix" the problem then you can keep your bitterness off this page. My motto is and will always be Promote Positivity.....................And Watch It Grow!!!